Welcome! And so the journey begins…

Sep 30, 2020
Intriguing Stories

Hello, Traveling Souls!

My name is Tish Creech and I’m a mom of three, business owner, foodie, genealogist, historian, and a traveling soul. I started this business because of my love of travel and a desire to bring new experiences to people who are willing to journey outside the box a bit. 

Since the tender age of nine, travel has been a very meaningful part of my life. I absolutely love learning about new cultures, foods and histories. And, for me, the best part of traveling to a new place is always the people. Life is such a great journey and I believe travel enriches that journey immeasurably. Join me to help you find your traveling soul… I promise the possibilities are endless and oh-so-exciting!

I hope you enjoy my blog and find it helpful and entertaining. Come back often to discover intriguing stories, insider tips and destination inspiration. 

Cheers to new beginnings!

All the best,


P.S. – You can always know when I’m posting new articles by following Traveling Soul Tours on Facebook and Instagram. I hope to see you there!

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